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Education at Clavis

Our school offers students not only effective, but also the most comfortable education.



We often conduct classes outside. Learning outdoors is sometimes more effective and comfortable.



Our Inclusion team are here to support our students on a daily basis.


Visual Arts

Through creativity and imagination, teachers guide / stimulate students to create a world of freedom, colours and fantasy.


Modern Textbooks

Education in our school is conducted using the latest textbooks and additional materials from renowned authors.


New Technologies

School programs combine textbooks and modern technology. Much work is carried out on PCs and iPads, and the ICT lab is well-equipped. We also use online learning platforms to engage our students.


On the move!

Our PE teachers engage students in various activities for a rich and varied experience. These include fitness skills, health or recreational games and different types of sports. Children also attend swimming classes at Côte D'Or swimming pool. All classes take place during school hours as part of PE.
Our annual Sports Day and the Swimming Galas are exciting events that are looked forward to.



There are special classes for French Language and well as French as an additional language (FAL) by our specialist subjects teachers.



Extra support is always available within any year group.

Our Curriculum Framework

The Primary Years Programme (PYP) presents schools with a comprehensive plan for high quality, international education.
It provides schools with a curriculum framework of essential elements — the knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes, and action that young students need to equip them for successful lives, both now and in the future. Schools work with the five elements to construct a rigorous and challenging primary curriculum for international education. The PYP aims to create a curriculum that is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant for learners in the 3–12 age range. The curriculum is transdisciplinary, meaning that it focuses on issues that go across subject areas.
The PYP is organized according to:• The written curriculum, which explains what PYP students will learn.• The taught curriculum, which sets out how educators teach the PYP.• The assessed curriculum, which details the principles and practice of effective assessment in the PYP.• Making the PYP Happen: A curriculum framework for international education 2009.

2021 Year Groups